Felix Hill


Research Scientist, DeepMind, London

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Multimodal Few-Shot Learning with Frozen Language Models

In this work we train image encoders through a large pretrained language model (without updating its weights) and show that the resulting system extends some of the fast-learning capacities of large language models to the multimodal (image+language) setting).

Evaluation tasks used in the paper

README.md including code snippet for loading data in python

These tasks are designed to measure few-shot learning in a multimodal model. They are created by aggregating images and annotations from the Imagenet 2012 dataset and the Visual Genome dataset. Please see below for links to those resources, which made creating this benchmark possible.


Download here (5.7G)

Images in the support have randomized nonsense names (‘dax’, ‘blicket’ etc.).

2-way and 5-way versions available, with 1, 3 or 5 shots.


Download here (5.7G)

Images in the support have their original Imagenet category labels like ‘eagle’.

2-way and 5-way versions available, with 1, 3 or 5 shots.


Download here (1.9G)

Images in the support have randomized nonsense names, questions refer to these names

2-way versions available, with 1, 3 or 5 shots.


Download here (1.9G)

Images in the support have their original Imagenet category names, the question is the original question taken from Visual Genome dataset

2-way versions available, with 1, 3 or 5 shots.

Reading the data

Extract each of the archives with a command like tar -xzf fast_vqa.tar.gz. Each extracted directory contains jpg images of the form task_name_shots_n_ways_m_id_x_image_i.jpg where n is the number of shots, m is the number of ways, x is a question id and i is the position of this image in the support set for this question. It also contains jpg images of the form task_name_shots_n_ways_m_id_x_question.jpg, which are final images for each question, to which the model must respond. It also contains .json files of the form task_name_shots_n_ways_all_questions.json. This contains dictionaries that define each question in terms of the constituent images, any corresponding text, and the correct answer.

Citing the tasks

  title={Multimodal few-shot learning with frozen language models},
  author={Tsimpoukelli, Maria and Menick, Jacob and Cabi, Serkan
          and Eslami, SM and Vinyals, Oriol and Hill, Felix},
  journal={Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems},